Wed. July 31 - 10:30 am - Guild Advisory Board and Quilt Show meeting, at Pat G's house.
There will not be a regular Guild meeting this month.
Friday, Aug. 2 - 8:45 am - Past Presidents Outing - Meet at Mr. Bill's parking lot, on the east side of the building (closest to Enumclaw), at 8:45 am for a 9:00 am departure time. We will be car pooling.
For those closer to Puyallup, we will meet at Fred Meyer’s 1100 N Meridian and River Rd. Park on the side closest to N. Meridian away from the store. The Enumclaw bunch should arrive there about 9:30 am. We will try to leave Fred Meyer's by 9:35 am.
If you have not previously signed up or need further information, contact Donna Q. or Vonda.
Friday, Aug. 16 - 1:00 pm - Guild Workshop. Buckley Fire Station, 611 S. Division St., Buckley. We will be using this time to work on our Quilt Show entries. And there will also be someone to take photos of your quilts if you need help with that.
Friday, Sept. 6 - 11:30 am - Lunch at TBD
1:00 pm - General Guild Meeting at the Buckley Fire Station, 611 S. Division St., Buckley.
Friday, Sept. 20 - 1:00pm - Guild Workshop. Buckley Fire Station, 611 S. Division St., Buckley.
* * * Upcoming Quilt Shows and Events * * *
Sat., Sept. 14 - Bainbridge Quilt Festival. Outdoor quilt display by the Bainbridge Island Modern Quilt Guild. 9 am - 5 pm.
For more information, please see the website.